Film of the Month: Basquiat

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Okay, so the plot summery for the 1996 bio-pic Basquiat  may read like every other film set in the sixties with the usual elements of sex drug and rock ‘n’ roll, but what this film certanly doesn't lack is originality. The thing that sets Basquiat apart from all the other predictable art scene films is that it actually worth watching. 

Based on real life artist Jean-Michel Basquiat and his meteoric rise to fame, the film depicts the humble beginnings of a junkie artist trying to make a living in New York. Like most artists in the sixties, Basquiat is ‘discovered’ by Andy Warhol (played by David Bowie), who sets about exploiting and exposing the rising star. With an all star cast including David Bowie, Benicio Del Toro, Dennis Hopper and Gary Oldman, as well a brief performance from Courtney Love, this film tops the list for most underrated  and underwatched film of the 90's.

It's worth watching alone just for Cortney Love's 90's warbrobe ensemble's.

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